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How do you activate the battery

Under normal conditions, lead-acid battery can be recycled up to 300 times, and it can be used for 3-5 years. But if used improperly, such as discharge, overcharge, short circuit, or long-term use, the battery will be premature and premature, and the battery will need to be activated.

Battery into electricity, not can use high pressure method, the charging of regulated power supply output voltage increase slowly, in the process, with the ammeter to monitor charging current. If the charging current is found to rise slowly, the activation is initially successful. Then the battery can be charged for more than 10 minutes at a rate of 0.1, and the voltage will be lowered to normal until full.

If the high pressure method is not valid, you can use the reverse charge method, the battery is positive and the stable battery is negative, the negative electrode is connected to the battery. Note that the recharging process is very brief, just for the electrode to touch a few times. There should be very large batteries in the process. After anti-charge, the battery can be activated by high-pressure method. If the battery is too large or dry to be recharged, the replacement method is to replace the electrolyte inside the battery. Usually, the battery can be activated by high pressure when replaced. The lead-acid battery, which is generally premature and premature, can be brought back to life after using the above method, and the capacity is similar to the new one. If the liquid does not work, the battery is basically scrapped. The most likely reason is the thickness of the oxide layer on the pad. At this time there will be the last one way, the battery cover sawing, take out the battery inside the body, the human will shave plate and thoroughly in liquid, and then connect all the single well, good connection wire at the same time, finally sealed with epoxy resin. But the law does not make much sense, since the repair process may cause internal damage to the battery, so it is not recommended.

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